Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcome SITStahs!

I am so excited today is finally here! It's my day to be featured on SITS. I can hardly hold my excitement in. The neighbors must think we've won the lotto. This is GREAT! What is SITS you ask? The SITS Girls as in The Secret is in the Sauce is a remarkable community of over 6,000 bloggers who support each other through comments. Let me tell you, these SITStahs are awesome. I have connected with countless bloggers and found the most amazing blogs that I follow and really love. Each day they feature one blogger and our day is here! Before you read on, you've got to check these SITStahs out, if you don't know about them already. You may find yourself at their next Bloggy Boot Camp. That's right, a boot camp for those new at blogging or those wanting to learn more. They have these Boot Camps in several cities across the US each year and they provide real valuable knowledge for each type of blogger. They aren't afraid to share, which I find refreshingly helpful.
Welcome to our little corner of the earth I like to call home, Orange County, California. While most of us here don't live like "The Real Housewives of Orange County" or "The OC" we certainly have a great place to call home. From the beaches to the amusement Parks and everything in between, we do live on a little piece of heaven on earth.

I started this blog to chronicle the fun times in Orange County with my family to be able to share our experiences with others. Orange County is a great place packed full of FUN but sometimes it is difficult to find all the happenings and activities in one place. I became a Stay at Home Mom sort of by accident. I was laid off from my job and instead of moping around feeling sorry for myself, I decided to begin my search to get out of the house and have some fun but the catch was, not a whole lot of money in the "fun fund". My goal was to create a place where those in my community could find fun FREE and Low Cost fun things to do with their kids. In my quest for fun, I have found so many activities for FREE. I thought this was so amazing, I had to share. OC Fun Guide's the website was born. Although it's far from completion, you will find some great places to see and much more on the way. In fact, much like a child, I don't think it will ever stop growing. Come take a look at all the fun activities there are to experience in Orange County. You may just change your summer vacation plans and come here instead:)
The Target Corporation is generous enough to grant funds to sponsor the Arts in many cities across the US. Target sponsors certain days of the week and pay for your admission so many are FREE or at least generously reduced in price. Take a look to see if there are any FREE days in your area. I encourage you to share all the awesome deals in your area because most of us are living these days on a budget, unless you were lucky enough to miss the bullet in this poor economy.
Feel free to take a look around. Read about what my daughter calls "the most awesomest place on earth", besides Disneyland of course. You can check out how much fun Disneyland birthdays can be. If you are interested in a little history, check out The Mission in San Juan Capistrano. For nature excursions be sure to visit The Environmental Nature Center or Peter & Mary Muth Interpretive Center. If you are interested in Ocean Ecology or Marine Biology, you may want to check out our visit to The Pacific Marine Mammal Center.
Even if you are not close to Orange County, California, always remember you are only a blog away. Thanks for coming and I hope you have enjoyed yourself. For those of you who live in or near Orange County you may want to sign up to receive our monthly activities and calendar to be sure you don't miss another event only to hear about it after.
Happy SITS Day!


  1. Congrats on your day! Been following you for a while, love the blog!

  2. Congrats on being F/B. I really enjoy being part of the SITS community.

  3. Congrats on your SITS Day! It looks like you have a fun blog; I look forward to reading more! I've never been to the OC, but I'd love to visit one day!

  4. Woohoo! Congrats on your SITS day! There is SO much to do out here, isn't there?

  5. Wow what a great resource you've provided for your community. Will definitely keep your blog in mind the next time we're in your neighborhood, to visit an insider's favorites!

    Congrats on your SITS Day!

  6. Wow an awesome blog. You provide a great place for people to come together and find new things. Love it!

  7. Happy SITS day! Congrats. California is looking so good instead of this Texas heat!

  8. Congrats on your SITS day! Living in Texas makes me jealous of you. :P Hope you have a great day!

  9. I would love to visit California. Congrats on SITS day!

  10. Congratulations on your SITS day! We live close to OC and are always looking for things to do with our children. Your post about "the most awesomest place on earth" is great. Thank you for the tip.

  11. Yay, OC represent! Congrats on your SITS Day!

    I check out your blog quite often for some great local tips. Keep up the great work and enjoy your day in the spotlight!


  12. Happy SITS Day! I'm not to far away. I live in L.A. I'll be sure to check out the haps on your site when I go down to the O.C.!

  13. congrats on your SITS day! Great blog. I too became a SAHM by accident and I am always looking for free and cheap things to do.

  14. Happy SITS day! I grew up in nearby Ventura County - you are so lucky to live in such an amazing place! I'd give anything to visit the beach anytime soon!

  15. I live in Orange County and I'm always on the lookout for fun new things to do. What a great blog!

    Happy SITS Day!

  16. Happy SITS Day! I wished you lived near me so you could tell me about fun family things to do near me!!

  17. Congratulations. Fabulous idea for a blog. New follower here!


  18. COngrats!! Never been to California, so I'm off to explore your blog

  19. This is awesome! What a wonderful collections of ideas! I have bookmarked your site and will be back!

    Congratulations on being the featured blogger today!

    Love from another SITStah :-D

  20. Stopping by from SITS for your feature day! Great idea for blog content. Wishing you a great day!!

  21. Congratulations on your SITS day!! :) I totally want to live in the OC! Jealousy!!

  22. Congrats on your SITS day!!! So cool you live in the famous O.C. So you're telling me life there isn't like the real housewives huh? I guess I'll have to snoop around your blog a little to see what life there is really all about :-).

  23. Happy SITS day! It sounds like there's a lot going on where you live, great idea to make a blog about what's going on.

    Have a lovely day,

  24. Hello from the OC! Funny, I have been to your blog before and found it on my own. So nice to meet you! Happy SITS day!

  25. Hello, well I'm in New Zealand, and had heard of OC before but never knew what it meant. And now I know. Orange County. So there you go. You can learn something every day.

  26. What a great service to provide for others to enjoy. Thank you for your hard work!

    Happy SITS Day!

  27. Hey,
    Stopping by from SITs, wow you're enthusiasm is inspiring. If I make it to your area of the world I will definitely check out the sites.

  28. Happy SITS day! What a great way to highlight where you live.

  29. happy sits day! I soooo want to visit the OC but thats probably becuase I watch too much reality tv. but it does look beautiful warm and sunny!

  30. Happy SITS day! you live in a kid's paradise, I loved visiting many of those places when I was out in Cali as a child. :)

  31. Happy SITS day!

    I think my sister lives in OC. I'll pass your link to her in case...

  32. Happy SITS day! I need to find someone who does this kind of research in my town! Great Idea!

  33. Congrats on your SITS Day!!!
    Your blog is cool!

  34. Your blog is fabulous! I was born in Orange County! Hope you have a great SITS day! Xx

  35. Congratulations! I love the OC. It's beautiful there and I'm happy to hear you're drama free unlike the Real Housewives. LOL.

  36. Congratulations on your SITS day! Great blog... I've already sent it on to my brother who lives in CA... come visit when you can...

    Twitter: SolarChief

  37. Go OC! It's your SITS day!


  38. Happy SITS Day! I confess, I have not immediate plans to visit OC, but what a great concept for a blog! I wish there was one like in in my neck o' the woods!

  39. Congrats on your SITS day! Love your blog! I spent the first 40 years of my life in OC. Your blog makes me feel like I'm home for a visit.

    Keep up the great work!

  40. What a great idea you have going. We're all looking for ways to have fun, and not break the budget.
    Have a great SITS Day.

  41. Oh, how I wish someone would do this for my area!

    Enjoy your SITS day!

  42. I had no idea that the Mission de San Juan was in the OC. That's a really beautiful place.

  43. Happy SITS Day! What a great blog. It makes me want to take a vacation

  44. Happy SITS day - I'll bet you are going to have more fun today than all of your blog locations!

  45. Congratulations on your SITS day! Orange Country sure has a great deal to offer.

  46. Congrats on your very own SITS Day! I hope to have one of my own someday soon.

    I haven't been to California since I was 10...looks like a lot has changed since then and yet, probably still very much the same.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Stopping by from SITS. Hope you have an awesome day. Congrats.

  49. What a fun blog!! I love the RHWOC and theOC was one of my faves back in the day!! Enjoy your day!!

  50. California is my favorite place to visit from San Diego all the up to San Fran. Such a diverse, beautiful country.
    So happy to see your blog getting spotlighted today.

    Happy SITS day!

  51. Happy SITS Day! I've never been to Cali!

    -Mimi @ Irresistible Icing

  52. Enjoy your day in the SITS Sun! Congrats. You have an awesome blog!

  53. happy sits day to you and great blog. I'll have to remember to check your blog out before we come down there.

  54. happy its day! great way to start the week! enjoy your special day!

  55. Happy SITS Day! What a fun and different blog!

  56. Happy SITS day! Great idea for a blog! Wish I lived in a bigger city like you! I love finding free fun activities!!

  57. Congrats on your SITS day. Enjoy the spotlight and the bloggy love!

  58. Congrats on SITS day! Nice to meet you!


  59. Congrats on your SiTs day! I have never been to (heck, not even near) CA but I can tell you I wish I was near a beach or something fun with the hot and humid weather we've been having.

  60. Congrats! I live all the way in FL(born and raised!), so being a blog away from CA is so cool! I've never lived anywhere else. How sad...LOL
    I love to look at pics of other places on blogs. This is great site, and super informative! :)

  61. Congrats on your SITS day! Great blog... will definitely stop back if I am ever out your way!

  62. Happy SITS day! Wish I were there!

  63. Good morning and Happy SITS day! It's always great to know someone with these type of fantastic resources. Enjoy your day!

  64. happy SITS day! what a wonderful idea, as a stay at home mom on a budget, I, too, am looking for fun free activities for my children and the mom's group I host - thanks for encouraging us to get out there and find out what our city has to offer!

  65. GREAT blog idea and well carried out!
    Congrats on your SITS day!

  66. I have never watched OC & I really don't know what the OC is, so I guess I'll have a look around to find out.

    Happy SITS Day!

  67. Congrats on your SITS day and for sharing great things to do - that is so neat, I'd love to visit the marine mammal center. You do have a beautiful place to live!!

    (BTW, no offense, but the white lettering is hard to read and I have a large monitor!)

  68. I am a GA peach, and have only been to CA once. I would love to come back and visit sometime. Actually, it was 6 years ago this week, I remember because my hubby had to come work sonwehere for the first part of the week and then we celebrated our anniversary (anniversary is tomorrow) by renting a red Mustang convertible and driving down the coast to Monterey. Beautiful drive! I will have to read your blog for info before returning!

  69. Congratulations on your SITS day! I look forward to reading your articles, particularly about the Mission. My daughter is entering 4th grade this year and will be learning all about the CA missions. We may plan a road trip around the theme. Jenn

  70. Congrats on your SITS day. I have never seen the Real Housewives of anywhere so I am missing that part. Have a great day!

  71. I've never even been to California, but would love to go.

    Happy SITS Day!

  72. Congratulations on your SITs feature! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)

  73. Your picture in your header makes me want to head to OC. Now, on the East Coast, OC is Ocean City so when I saw OC Fun Guide, I thought it was for Ocean City, MD. But if I'm ever on the West Coast, I'll have to check out your site!

    Happy SITS Day!

  74. Very cheerful blog you have here! Happy SITS Day! :)

  75. Thanks for the Target info! I also joined online at It has some good deals, most I wouldn't use, but there are some good things to do every now and then! Happy SITS day!

  76. Happy SITS day!!!

    I LOVE that you have taken the time to research so many great activities and events and share them with everyone! It makes me wish I were on your coast!

  77. Happy SITS day! I so could have used this site in April when we were out there! Guess we better plan another trip! :-)

  78. Happy SITS day!! This will come in handy when I move to California next year!! Thanks!!

  79. Happy SITS day! I'm from the other California state - Northern California :-)
    Heading down south later this week to visit family. Thanks for the great ideas. Enjoy your day!

  80. Oh Happy Sits Day to you! =) I have to admit I thought OC must be Oregon Coast when I first saw it!! he he! =) We visit the Oregon Coast every year... as the kids get bigger we drive farther south!! This year we are going to explore down to the Redwoods... Do you have any must see (free) tips for that area??! =) Looking forward to reading more ~ great blog !!

  81. Dropping by from SITS to wish you a happy SITS day!

  82. Happy SITS day! My brother lives in Northern CA...It's so beautiful out there! Great idea to share free and low cost family stuff! Love it!

  83. Happy SITS Day! If I'm ever in the OC I know where to look first to prep for my trip! Enjoy your day.

  84. Happy happy SITS Day, sitstah!! Enjoy your day in the sun and all the bloggy love.
    Your blog looks amazing and I'll be back to read more.:)
    xo bj from Texas

  85. What a great way to share all the fun things to do in your area! I'm bookmarking this for my next trip for sure!

    Congrats on your SITS day!!

  86. Do you mean to tell me that everyone in OC doesn't spend their days shopping, getting their nails done and bickering with their close knit circle of frenemys? LOL!

    Congrats on your SITS day!

  87. Thanks for awesome tips about OC! We have lots of family there and visit every once in a while. Congrats, SITSta!

  88. Congrats on SITS day! Your perspective is completely different from what I used to see on the WB, lol.

  89. Congratulations on your SITS day!!

  90. Happy SITS day! What a great idea for a blog! I bet people in that area love your blog! I'm off to read some more!

  91. Congrats and Happy SITS day! What a fun blog ... gonna go poke around a bit!


  92. Happy SITS Day to you!!

    I'd LOVE to have a birthday party at Disneyland.

  93. Congrats on your SITS day! I've been to Orange Co one time and did have a good time. Can't wait to read about all the fun things to do!

  94. Happy SITS Day! I'll be heading to the OC in another month! WHEEEEE

  95. Stopping by from SITS. This is a great blog. I have a good friend that lives in OC. I'll be sure to tell her about your blog because I know she's always looking for fun and low-cost things to do with her two boys.

  96. Congrats on your SITS day!

  97. Popping in from SITS. (I know, it's a day late, but you got 2 SITS days out of it!)

    I love your a relocated So Cali girl, I now visit my family whenever I can, and your site is a great tool to take advantage of activities that I wasn't aware of. (which is hard to believe since I used to do anything that happened up and down the coast)

    I love it...I'm following you...Happy SITS Day!
    (I also host a monthly giveaway link-up...stop by whenever you have a moment)

  98. Your blog is a great idea. The SAHMs in your area must love you!

  99. congrats on your SITS day! what a great idea! I do something like this on Fridays on my blog for the south jersey/philadelphia area called fun fridays! Love your blog

  100. Happy SITS day! Your blog is awesome. I wish there was a site like that for my city!

  101. What a fun Blog with a ton of great ideas. Can't wait to dig deeper & plan a vaca! :)

  102. Happy SITS day to you!

    I love visiting California. It's one of our favorite places. I'll keep some of your ideas in mind for when we visit Cali again {sometime soon - I hope}.

  103. Oh cool! I wish I lived there, but maybe I'll still find some good ideas on here. I'm going to take a look around.
    Happy SITS day!

  104. Popping in from SITS. I hope you enjoy your special SITS day!

  105. Happy SITS day! All these suggestions make me want to hop in the car right now and make the trip. :)

  106. What a happy little place on the web! And what a fab idea for locals!!:) I have never been to Cali but hope to visit one day. Enjoy your SITS DAY!!!

  107. Very happy SITS day, It looks a wonderful place, perhaps we should visit from the UK!!

  108. I am so glad I found this blog! I live in OC on a budget with kids so this is perfect.

  109. Congrats on being FB!
    How great is that!
    Enjoy your day!
    ~B x

  110. Hey there lady! Congrats on being Featured!

    I'm recently out of work too and still looking... but kind of enjoying my time off so I can blog! :-)

  111. Happy SITS day!! I love the colors of your blog and the crispness of your header!! Thanks for sharing OC with us!!

    Have a great day!

  112. I love that your background color is bright orange! What a great blog! Makes me wish I could afford a visit. Thanks for the great links - I'm gonna check them out!

  113. Congrats on your SITS day!

  114. What a fabulous idea for a blog! My dad is from OC. Sounds like a great place to live!

  115. Woohoo!!!! Congrats on your SITS Day!!! Enjoy Enjoy.

  116. Oh how I miss life in The OC. I lived in Anaheim for many years and there was always so much to do. I used to love riding my beach cruiser from Anaheim down to the Newport Beach Pier. Those were some good times.
    Wishing you a picture perfect SITs day!

    Celebrate Life and Capture It!
    Patty Reiser

  117. I'm devastated that you do not actually live like they do on the Real Housewives show. Isn't that stuff that they show on television gospel? Seriously though, congrats on your SITS day!

  118. What a great way to promote your hometown! Happy SITS Day!!

  119. Congrats on your SITS day! Love this blog. I'm always looking for cheap - OK free - things to do with my family. Keep up the great work! You're really that far away from where I'm at in CA, we may just have to try out some of your freebies. Thanks for sharing with us - peace. ;)

  120. Congratulations on your SITS day!

  121. Happy SITS Day and have a terrific week! When I lived and worked in California, Orange County was part of my territory and I really enjoyed traveling there for business. It is a beautiful area and one of the places I miss in Southern California. Good for you!

  122. Stopping by from SITS! Congratulations on your big day! I love the orange color of your blog. I hope I can afford to visit California some day. It's one of my dream destinations.

  123. Congrats on your SITs day! I'd love to be in California right now!

  124. I am not from the OC but I love that area!! I think I am a California girl at heart =) Congrats on your SITS day!

  125. Happy SITS day! I've never been to California, but I've always wanted go!! =]

  126. Happy day to you! I LOVE the Target free days- here in Chicago, they sponsor the Art Institute and I try to go as often as I can! (They have this room of miniatures that I'm not entirely certain I cannot live in. I'm gonna keep trying.)

    love from Chi,

  127. Congrats on your SITs day! I used to live in SoCal, and even though it's been many years, I still miss it. I love that you are doing this project. We're an on-the-go family, always looking for new activities. And free or inexpensive ones are the best. I'll have to check out if there are Target sponsered activites in our area.

  128. Happy SITS day! I've only been to Cali once and i wanted to stay forever. Your blog is not helping my wish to move out west. But you sure have great places to visit.
    And to think I thought everyone in the OC lived in crazy big houses and did nothing but gossip. :)

  129. OMG my comment sounded so mean! I meant it to mean it makes me want to be there more than before! haha Wow, I need to go home for the day. Hope your day SITS day is great!

  130. Congrats on your SITS day. Wow, what a GREAT idea you had! I too am a stay at home mom, and our fun-budget is very tight (aka: nonexistant) and so I think it's a great thing you are doing for all the families in your area. Wish you were a bit closer so I could take advantage of all OC has to offer, I'm clear on the other side of the country way up in Maine.

  131. congrats from a fellow sitstah and new follower! I love a frugal mom with fun low cost or free activities!

  132. Happy SITS day! What a great blog idea. It is full of awesome ideas. :)

  133. Happy SITs Day! I love all the ideas!

  134. I hope we can get all the way out there someday!!

  135. Hope your day was wonderful! CAnt wait til its my turn! LOL Love the blog layout and colors!

  136. I used to live in California (not OC, but Vandenburg, AFB), when I was a kid & I've visited some of these places. There are many fun places to visit there & not all of them are as expensive as Disneyland! It's great that you have listed some of the fun places that make the area such a good vacation spot (or place to live).

    Happy SITS Feature Day!

  137. Happy SITS day! I love Orange County and almost all of Southern California, in fact! I'm excited to look around your blog.

  138. congrats on your SITS day!!!!! I love the idea of your blog :)

  139. Congrats on your SITS day!!!! Enjoy!

  140. Hey! Way to go SITS! This is a great blog for me to come across because I live in this area! I just moved here so I am excited to look around!

    -CK, sitsah

  141. Congrats on your SITS day! P.S. I love the OC!

    - Steph of

  142. I'd love to visit your stomping grounds! Nice touch that your theme is orange!

  143. Yay! It's YOUR day! If I ever visit the OC, I know where to visit first- your blog. That way I know where to go and what to do! Love it!

  144. Congrats on your day!

  145. Happy SITS day! Thanks for sharing that link for the Target sponsored events- found two events in my area that I may take my little one out to! :)

  146. Congratulations on your SITS day! I've only been to CA one time, but it sure was a memorable and marvelous time. The Pacific coast was breathtaking.

  147. Happy SITS Day! I'm late, I know! I live in So cal and I am so happy to be inrtoduced to your BLOG!!! YAY!!!

  148. Happy SITS day. What a great way to stay connected in OC. If I am ever planning a trip, I will be sure to pop by.


  149. Yay! I'm so glad that you got your SITS day, too. You are fabulous! Hope you enjoyed it!

  150. I'm a bit late...but wanted to congratulate you on being featured on SITS!!!

  151. I love blogs like this. Makes me jealous I don't live somewhere more fun. :)

  152. Congratulations on your SITS day! Hope to visit OC someday.
